9:40 am: Draw for fasting glucose level done. Okay, so I only waited about 5 minutes. I got the same lady who drew my blood on Friday, so she was already familiar with my tricky veins. She started out with the butterfly needle this time, checked both arms to find the best vein and got it (after a little needle maneuvering) on the first try. Now they're testing to make sure my fasting blood sugar level is normal and if it is they will give me the nasty sugar water to drink. I'm a little worried about how that is going to make my empty stomach feel (please don't get sick!) The baby is kicking...I think he's trying to tell me to eat something because he's hungry too!
9:47 am: My fasting glucose test is normal. I now have 8 minutes to drink 10 ounces of this nasty sugary fluid. I opted for lemon-lime flavored (even though they taste the same to me) because it is clear and if I puke I'd rather it not be bright orange! This drink contains twice the sugar concentration of the drink from the one hour test. The label cautions pregnant women against consuming the drink except under a doctor's supervision and lists common side effects as headaches, nausea and vomiting! I was instructed to stay here (for the entire 3 hours), because walking around could affect my blood sugar levels, and not to eat or drink anything but ice or water. I do love candy, but this might make me not want sweets for a week (okay, not likely). The sugar makes my throat burn a little...or maybe that's the acid reflux I have to live with for the next 3 hours.
9:55 am: The last swallow was torturous, but I somehow got it all down. My blood draws will be at 10:54, 11:54 and 12:54...maybe they should call it the 4-hour test since that's how long I'll actually be here!
10:00 am: I'm already feeling a little off...not terrible, but a little shaky and my stomach does not feel so great. If I can just make it through this first hour! The baby is moving around like crazy...I wonder if he's already getting a sugar rush?
10:55 am: Hour ONE complete...two more to go! The sugar has hit me, peaked, and now I'm crashing. I went from feeling shaky and sick to feeling like I need a nap! If only I could get comfortable in these waiting room chairs. They should have special recliners reserved for pregnant women taking this test!
11:30 am: I'm starting to not feel so good again...I'd give almost anything to be home in my bed right now. I'm hungry, so tired and uncomfortable. I've been working on a photo book on Shutterfly...the first hour flew by but now time is starting to drag. Another hour and a half and I can bust out the purse food on my way to my car!
12:05 pm: Blood draw #3 done (hour 2 is complete)...I'm in the home stretch now! Took a potty break and refilled my water. I'm still so sleepy! The waiting room has died down; there were people coming up to the desk one after another for the last hour and now it's just me and one other pregnant woman. I can't believe how many of women are here for glucose tests-in fact most of the patients have been! Unfortunately I am the only one hanging out for half a work day...the rest of them have come and gone.
Only 50 more minutes and I'll be done! Then I get to have lunch with Ryan and maybe I can squeeze in a nap before I pick up my sister's kids from school for our weekly afternoon of fun (I'd say play date but they'd say they're too old for play dates). I hope my nieces feel like watching a movie after school today...I don't have much motivation and if I don't get a nap before, maybe they won't notice me snoozing through the movie.
12:30 pm: I am dying for a stick of gum...or a breath mint.
12:56 pm: All done! I made it...and I didn't throw up or die of boredom! My laptop battery even held out: I still have 35% left somehow (yes I got it fixed on Monday). I got poked with needles 4 times, by 3 different people, on 2 arms with 2 different types of needles and ironically I ended up with a different color tape every time (green, blue, pink and purple).
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My stylish souvenir arm bands |
4:30 pm: Turns out they do get results fast! After lunch I only got a 20 minute nap (just long enough to wake up in a puddle of drool) before I had to pick up my nieces from school. After snacks I put on a movie for them and thought I'd look at my online account through IHC just in case, before I tried for another snooze.
My results were already posted! I was in the normal range (just barely) after 1 hour, high (which is bad) after 2 hours and normal after 3 hours. It's okay if one result is over; gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed when 2 or more come back high. So I think I passed! Now I just have to wait to see what my doctor says about it! She might still have me watch my diet a little since the first result was so close, but I don't think she'll make me test at home with the finger prick tests. I'm glad things are looking up...I didn't want a repeat of Wednesday's emotional breakdown (but that's pregnancy hormones for you)!
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