Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pink or Blue?

The time is finally here! I am far enough along for us to find out if the dancing baby growing in my belly is a girl or a boy! We actually could have gone in for an ultrasound two weeks ago (I am 18 weeks today), but decided that we wanted to make the announcement to our families on Thanksgiving. Knowing that this would be a hard secret to keep, we decided to wait until as close to Thanksgiving as we could to find out ourselves.

As I do with everything I have Googled all of the ways to tell if your baby is a boy or a girl. There are more ways than I imagined! With all of them I have gotten mixed results, so really who knows what this baby is! I keep thinking girl, but I don't know if that's just what I want interfering with what I feel (really, I think most women want a baby girl and most men want a baby boy). Honestly I have no idea what the ultrasound will show! Here are some of the old wives' tales and what sex they say our baby is:
  • Carrying High or Low? High means girl, low means boy. I am not showing enough to tell where I carrying! I also am not sure what constitutes as high or low since I have never experienced this before. (I also have not mixed my pee with Draino or picked up a key...if you don't know about those ones, look them up).
  • Baby Girls Steal your Beauty: if you have acne, it's a girl. If you have dry hands and feet, it's a boy. Of these I have only had the acne (hands have been a little dry the last week, but that always happens to me when the weather turns cold), so we must be having a GIRL.
  • The Mayan Test: if your age at conception and the year your baby was conceived are both even or odd then it's a girl. If one is even and one is odd, it's a boy. I was 31 when this baby was conceived in 2014, so it must be a BOY.
  • Heart Rate: Under 140 beats per minute means it's a boy, over 140 bpm means it's a girl. Our baby's heart rate has always between about 150 and 165, so that means this is a GIRL.
  • The Pee Test: bright yellow urine means boy (I also think it means you've been taking your vitamins) and dull yellow urine means girl. My pee is very bright so it should be a BOY.
  • Cravings: if you're craving sweets, it's a girl, if you're craving salty snacks, it's a boy. I crave sugar from the time I wake up, usually starting my day with a bowl of Fruit Loops or Honey Nut Cheerios. I am not usually a chocolate girl, but right now I LOVE chocolate. My only cravings so far have been banana cream pie, cinnamon rolls and rice krispy treats. This means GIRL.
  • Sleep Position: if you sleep on your left side you are having a boy, right side, girl. I've always been a left side sleeper for the most part and still am in pregnancy so this means I'm having a BOY.
  • Morning Sickness: if you feel queasy in the first trimester, it's a girl. If you feel just fine throughout your pregnancy, it's a boy. I felt very queasy in the first trimester (fine now though) so that suggests, GIRL.
  • The Chinese Calendar uses your birth date and the date of conception (or due date) to determine if you will be having a boy or a girl. It even boasts 50% accuracy (no kidding, right?) According to this, we are having a BOY. 
  • Headaches: if you are having headaches you are having a boy. If you don't have headaches, you are having a girl. No headaches here, so that means GIRL.
  • The Ring Test: this can be done by tying your wedding ring to a string and holding it over your pregnant belly. If it goes in circles, it's a boy, if it goes back and forth (side to side), it's a girl. We did not do this. I have done it in the past though (not over a pregnant belly of course). In high school some friends and I used a pencil hanging from a threaded needle and held it over each other's wrists to see what our future held. Over mine it went in circles then stopped, then back and forth, then stopped, then back and forth again before stopping completely. This should mean I am to have a boy and two girls. Years later Ryan and I did this with his sisters using a pendant on a chain and I got the same results. So if this myth holds true, our first baby is a BOY.

If you're keeping count that's 5 for GIRL and 5 for BOY. As you can see, there is really no saying without seeing what appears on the ultrasound. I will post an ultrasound picture (or two) sometime Friday (after we tell our families tomorrow night), so check back for an announcement about whether we will be decorating in Pink or Blue!

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