It was finally time for our embryo transfer! We went in at 11:15 yesterday morning. This embryo transfer was much like the last one, which you can read about in detail
Again the first thing we discussed was
the embryo. We decided to just try ONE embryo again. We still have 5 more remaining embryos for future attempts if we need them. The first embryo they thawed came through the thawing process
perfectly. They even gave us a picture again.
Baby's first picture! |
It was a
slightly different experience this time and we met with a different doctor (as mentioned in a previous post, we did not want to wait an extra 2 or 3 weeks for my regular RE). Our first embryo transfer had a different feeling about it;
the first one felt more intimate (maybe just because the lights were dimmed the first time...who knows), whereas this time felt more like a typical office procedure. I don't know if it was the different doctor's style or just that it was a second attempt that made the experience of the procedure itself feel more "business as usual." The procedure seemed more
uncomfortable this time (no more than a Pap smear), but I think that's just because I was paying more attention. Last time everything was new and
I was so excited that I think I just floated right through it and didn't notice (or remember) what it felt like physically.
I am not complaining-this doctor was still great: he was very accommodating, answered all our questions and had a very warm, friendly demeanor-I am just describing the
differences between my experiences.
Our little transfer room...view from my reclining chair/bed! |
This time the doctor brought up something that piqued my curiosity:
twins. We've always known twins were a possibility, I just never thought about it that much. He said that there is a possibility that
the embryo could split and we could end up with twins. Then when we were waiting for the embryologist he asked if we chose to do only one embryo because we were scared of twins. I told him that
for years I actually wanted twins, but after seeing a couple of friends have twins and how much harder two babies are than one, I have changed my mind. (I always wanted to have a boy and then twin girls-I even had names picked for the twins!) We told him that if it didn't take this time that
next time we are going to transfer 2 embryos. He said he thought that was a good idea and also that he thought we made a good decision with one this time. Ryan and I both agreed later that even though he said one was a good choice we think he really thought we should have transferred two.
As always (with a Google junkie like myself),
I have been looking up twins online. I found out that identical twins (which is what we would get if our embryo split into two) actually happen very early:
usually within the first 8-10 days after fertilization (sources varied slightly). Since
our embryo is already 5 days post fertilization, if it splits it will happen before this weekend is over! We would probably even be able to see on the first ultrasound we have a week or two after our pregnancy test (if it is positive), which is crazy, but would provide lots of time for preparation. Twins would be hard, but they would be a first in both our families-we didn't get the first child, girl or boy on either side, but
we could have the first twins! I learned a bunch of other interesting stuff, but that could be a whole entry all on its own!
Back to the embryo transfer... like the first time, we got to watch on the TV screen as the embryologist sucked up the embryo into a little tube, which is the coolest part-it is SOOO teeny tiny! Then they put it in me, guided by ultrasound and left us in the room for 30 or 40 minutes with the lights dimmed and soothing background music.
This time the Valium they gave me at the beginning kicked in before I stood up-I was having a hard time focusing on the words in my book by the time they came in and told me I could get up and get dressed. I stood up and had the urge to laugh-in fact
I fought back the giggles all the way to the car! My legs felt like they weren't mine and my arms felt heavy...
it was all hilarious to me! Good thing they put me in a wheelchair! I laid the seat back, tried to update my Facebook status (I didn't know what to say) then fell asleep until Ryan woke me up as he was pulling up to
Zupas (my favorite) to get us lunch to go. I laid there in the car taking selfies (something I don't usually do, but it seemed fun at the time) and waiting for him.
The car ride home |
Once home we ate our lunch in bed then watched TV together for about 20 minutes before I fell asleep. Just as I was dozing off I remember Ryan asking if I was asleep,
I said yes (which is funny to me now, because if I really was asleep I wouldn't have answered!) I woke up later with Saisha cuddled up next to me and golf on the TV
: best way to take a nap! Golf is so relaxing-the soothing voices of the announcers and the occasional soft clapping of the crowd (not to mention it bores me)-it puts me right to sleep!
I recently discovered we have the golf channel...this is wonderful because now I can nap any time of the day!
Lunch in bed and a nap |
TV and laying in bed: that was my day yesterday and today, along with a little reading and some computer time (to type this blog entry). After today I can get back to normal, besides the anticipation of my
upcoming pregnancy test. We go in for my blood draw the morning of June 8 (which is a Sunday) and they will call us with the results by noon (I asked the doctor to make sure this time). My two week wait is only 12 days (
11 now). I'm hoping we can keep busy and that I can not think about it constantly like last time!
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